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[As I Please]
[ 0134 ]

[ 0135 ]

[The English People]
[ 0136 ]

[Sir Richard Rees]
[ 0137 ]

[Cyril Conolly]
[ 0138 ]

[Anthony Powell]
[ 0139 ]

[Henry Miller]
[ 0140 ]

[Kingsley Martin]
[ 0141 ]

[Julian Symons]
[ 0142 ]

[Fredric Warburg]
[ 0143 ]

[Mulcolm Muggeridge]
[ 0144 ]

[Victor Gollancz]
[ 0145 ]

Legend [d]:
134. A Tribune column 'As I Please', 1944
135. Barnhill, Orwell's home on the Isle of Jura from May 1946 to January 1949
136. 'The English People'. Britain in pictures - Book jacket, 1947
137. Sir Richard Rees (1900-1970), painter, author and Editor, one of Orwell's closest friends from around 1930. He did a great deal to help and encourage him over the years
138. Cyril Conolly (b. 1903), a lifelong friend
139. Anthony Powell (b. 1905), a close friend in 1940s
140. Henry Miller (b. 1891), whom Orwell discusses in 'Inside the Whale'
141. Kingsley Martin (1897-1969), Editor of the New Statement, leading spokesman of the intellectual left, here taking part in 'the Brains Trust'
142. Julian Symons (b. 1912), writer and friend of Orwell's during the later years
143. Fredric Warburg (b. 1897), publisher of 'Homage to Catalonia', 'Animal Farm', 'Nineteen Eighty-Four' and other books by Orwell
144. Mulcolm Muggeridge (b. 1903), a close friend in the 1940s
145. Victor Gollancz (1893-1967), Orwell's first English publisher
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