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Gallery page No. 0

[Frank Limouzin]
[ 0086 ]

[Eric aged fourteen]
[ 0087 ]

[Conolly's poem (1)]
[ 0088 ]

[Conolly's poem (2)]
[ 0089 ]

[ 0090 ]

[M. R. James]
[ 0091 ]

[Erics view of Milton]
[ 0092 ]

[Flat in Notting Hill]
[ 0093 ]

[ 0094 ]

[6. Rue du Pot de Fer]
[ 0095 ]

[Down and Out in Paris]
[ 0096 ]

[Free soup]
[ 0097 ]

Legend [d]:
86. Orwell's maternal grandfather, Frank Limouzin
87. Eric Blair aged fourteen
88 and 89. Cyril Conolly's school exercize poem 'Kitchener' written at St. Cyprian's in 1916 with Eric Blair's criticism appended
90. Eton in the early years of the century: Fourth of June Celebrations
91. M. R. James, Provost of Eton 1918-1936
92. Eric Blair's view of Milton at the age of eighteen -- an inscription in a book given to Guinever Buddicom, August 1921.
93. The Blairs' flat in Notting Hill Gate where the family lived from 1918 to 1921
94. Moulmein, Burma
95. Orwell's Paris: 6. Rue du Pot de Fer
96. Down and Out in Paris
97. Free soup being distributed in Paris
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