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Query-language Syntax

Strict search

1. & (or space) -- logic 'AND' (within the sentence)
medical & exercises = medical exercises
2. && (or space) -- logic 'AND' (within the document)
Recipes && (cheese fondue)
3. | -- logic 'OR'
photo | photography | picture | image
4. + -- obligatory presence of a word in the found document
+to +be or not +to +be
5. ( ) -- words grouping
(technology | manufacturing) (cheese | cottage-cheese)
6. ~ -- the binary operator 'AND NO' (within the sentence)
banks ~ law
7. ~~ or - -- the binary operator 'AND NO' (within the document)
guidebook to paris ~~ (agency | tour)
8. /(n m) -- distance in words (-back +forward)
suppliers /2 coffee -- musical /(-2 4) education -- vacancies ~ /+1 students
9. " " -- phrase search
"little red riding hood" (equal to "little red" /+1 "riding hood")
10. &&/(n m) -- distance in sentences (-back +forward)
bank && /1 taxes

Search in elements

1. $title (expression) -- search in titles (headings)
$title (CompTek)
2. $anchor (expression) -- search in text of references (links)
$anchor (CompTek | Dialogic)
3. #keywords=(expression) -- search in keywords
#keywords=(search engine)
4. #abstract=(expression) -- search in description (meta: 'abstract')
#abstract=(search | search-engine)
5. #image="value" -- search of the image
6. #hint=(expression) -- search in images description ('alt')
#hint=(zamyatin | zamjatin)
7. #url="value" -- search on the given site (page)
8. #link="value" -- search of the links on given URL
9. #mime="value" -- search in documents of the given type (pdf or rtf)
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