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There are two types of sidebars: plain HTML sidebar which looks like as some kind of table of contents and similar but rich DHTML sidebar where you can 'open' directories and find almost all important pages on For the last one, you need to have javascript support installed or javascript switched on. Hereinafter are screenshots of all sidebars that are avilable on the current moment (November 2003):

  1. Sidebars in English language:
    • Simple HTML sidebar for Mozilla [800x600 (36.14 KiB)] [1024x768 (53.62 KiB)]
    • Simple HTML sidebar for Opera [800x600 (26.51 KiB)] [1024x768 (89.38 KiB)]
  2. Sidebars in Russian language:
    • Simple HTML sidebar for Mozila
    • Simple HTML sidebar for Opera
  3. Sidebar 'in action'
    • Actually, it is not real sidebar... just the small page where Internet explorer users can get idea how it looks like and how it works.

Technical note

For Mozilla (Gecko based) browsers, javascript has to be available (supported or/and switched on). For Opera - not. Heading of the next section ('Installation') is quoted because it is not installation in real term of that but simple panel addition to already existed sidebar in your browser. It is very safe script as you can see from the next code:

<!-- ---------------- Code start -------- -->
function addPanel() {
if ((typeof window.sidebar == "object") &&
(typeof window.sidebar.addPanel == "function"))
window.sidebar.addPanel ("",
<!-- ---------------- Code end -------- -->

For Mozilla browsers, in the file panels.rdf which is located in c:\windows\application data\mozilla\profiles etc..., the next few lines will be added:

Section: RDF Description:
<RDF:Description about="urn:sidebar:
NC:persist="false" />
Section: RDF resource:
<RDF:li resource="urn:sidebar:

Similar with Opera. If you ever find out that Perl Bak is much better writer then George Orwell and decide to delete / erase / remove / 'kill' sidebar from your browser, you don't need to edit file(s) which recorded information about sidebar: you can easily do it from the main browser window by two mouse clicks (right and left... 'my sidebar: right or left'.

Sidebars 'installation'
  1. Sidebars in English language
  2. Sidebars in Russian language
    • Simple HTML sidebar
    • DHTML sidebar

Let me know is it everything ok with all of above or not. Good luck. banners

Banner for black background

The ultimate multilingual resource about George Orwell on
HTML code:
<div id="orwellrubannerblack">
<a href="" title="">
<img src=""
alt="The ultimate multilingual resource about George Orwell on"
height="44" width="180"></a>

Or just copy and paste the source of this page.

Banner for white background

The ultimate multilingual resource about George Orwell on
HTML code:
<div id="orwellrubannerwhite">
<a href="" title="">
<img src=""
alt="The ultimate multilingual resource about George Orwell on"
height="44" width="180"></a>

Or just copy and paste the source of this page.

Thanks to Eugenia Kelbert for banner request: seems that I was too lazy for a long time to create one.

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