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Explanation of abbreviations, acronyms, names and other terms on
Eng: British Broadcasting Corporation
Rus: Британская корпорация радиовещания (Би-Би-Си)
Srp: Британска корпорација радиопрограма
bit (b)
Eng: 1) The basic unit of the amount of data. Each bit records one of the two possible answers to a single question: “0” or “1,” “yes” or “no,” “on” or “off.” When data is represented as binary (base-2) numbers, each binary digit is a single bit. In fact, the word “bit” was coined by the American statistician and computer scientist John Tukey (b. 1915) in 1946 as an acronym for binary digit. Somewhat more generally, the bit is used as a logarithmic unit of data storage capacity, equal to the base-2 logarithm of the number of possible states of the storage device or location. For example, if a storage location stores one letter, then it has 26 possible states, and its storage capacity is log2 26 = 4.7004 bits.
Eng: 2) A unit of information content, now known also as the shannon. In information and communications theory, if a message has probability p of being received, then its information content is -log2 p shannons. This unit is often called the bit, because if the message is a bit string and all strings are equally likely to be received, then the information content is equal the number of bits.
References: A Dictionary of Units of Measurement: Bit []
byte (B)
Eng: A unit of information used in computer engineering. Technically the byte is a unit of addressable memory, and its size can vary depending on the machine or the computing language. However, in most contexts the byte is equal to 8 bits (or 1 octet). This means that a byte has 28 = 256 possible states. The unit was named by IBM engineer Werner Buchholz in 1956, and the 8-bit size was popularized shortly thereafter by IBM's System 360, a top-selling early mainframe computer. The spelling "byte" is used instead of "bite" in order to avoid confusion with the bit.
References: A Dictionary of Units of Measurement: Byte []
Eng: Cascade Style Sheets
Rus: Касскадная таблица стилей
Srp: Каскадна таблица стилова
Error / Ошибка / Грешка
Eng: The page cannot be found
Rus: Страница не найдена
Srp: Та страница не постоји
Eng: Independent Labour Party
Rus: Независимая Рабочая партия
Srp: Независна Радничка партија
Eng: In my humble opinion
Rus: По моему скромному мнению
kibi- (Ki-) (defined in IEC 60027-2)
Eng: A binary prefix meaning 210 = 1024. This prefix, adopted by the International Electrotechnical Commission in 1998, was supposed to replace kilo- for binary applications in computer science. Thus 1024 bytes of storage is officially a kibibyte, not a kilobyte. However, computer professionals generally dislike this unit (they say it sounds like a cat food) so the ambiguity in the size of a kilobyte persists. The prefix is a contraction of "kilobinary." The symbol Ki-, rather than ki-, was chosen for uniformity with the other binary prefixes (Mi-, Gi-, etc.).
1. International System of Units (SI): [Prefixes for binary multiples]
3. [Kibibyte] [Kibibit]
2. [Kibibyte]
Eng: United Marxist Workers Party
Esp: Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista
Rus: Рабочая партия марксистского единства
Srp: Уједињена радничка марксистичка партија
Referring page (or ‘Referring’)
Eng: Return (Back) to referring page (or use your browsers ‘back button’)
Rus: Вернуться на предыдущую страницу (или используйте кнопку «back» в Вашем браузере)
Srp: Вратити се на претходну страницу (или притисните дугме „back” у Вашем браузеру)
Serbian (language...)
Eng: Under the term ‘Serbian’ (language, letter, script, alphabet, azbuka, orpho...) I am understanding that language (letter...) which is widely known and spoken in the republics (states, countries...) on the teritory of ex-Yugoslavia. Means: Bosnian, Croatian, Serbo-Croatian (language...)... etc.)
Rus: Под термином «сербский» (язык, письмо, кодовая страница, алфавит, азбука, орфография ...) я понимаю тот язык (письмо...), который широко известен и на котором говорят в республиках (государствах, странах...), расположенных на территории бывшей Югославии. То есть: боснийский, хорватский, сербский, сербо-хорватский (язык...)... и т. д. и т. п.)
Srp: Под термином „српски” (језик, писмо, кодна страница, азбука, абецеда, орфографија...) ја увек подразумевам језике (азбуку, абецеду...) који су признати и говоре се у државама на територији бивше Југославије, као што су босански, хрватски, српски, српскохрватски (језик...) ... и т. д.
UA string / ПА заголовок
Eng: Information about User Agent (web browser)
Rus: Информация о пользовательском агенте (браузере)
Srp: Информација о браузеру
URI — Uniform Resource Identifier
Eng: Please, copy URI from address field and report this error
Rus: Пожалуйста, скопируйте URI из адресного поля браузера и пришлите на...
Srp: Будите љубазни, копирајте URI из адресног поља браузера и пошаљите на...


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