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John Newsinger

about George Orwell

Orwell and the Spanish Revolution [L.m./F.s.: 2019-12-29 / 0.15 KiB]
© 1994 John Newsinger
‘July 17-18, 1936. Throughout Morocco and Spain military garrisons (aided, in places, by the Guardia Civil and the Falange) rose in revolt against the Republican Government. ... July 19, 1936. The Insurgents (or Nationalists) succeeded in seizing power in Morocco, Navarre, Galicia, Old Castile and Seville, but were thwarted in the key cities of Barcelona and Madrid...’
Orwell Centenary: The Biographies [L.m./F.s.: 2019-12-29 / 0.15 KiB]
© 2003 John Newsinger
‘George Orwell was one of the most influential writers of the 20th century. On the hundredth anniversary of his birth we examine the controversy around his work and his legacy for today. John Newsinger reviews recent biographies of Orwell...’

John Newsinger about George Orwell: No any translation available

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