Windows Glyph List 4 in HTML
Using Special Characters from Windows Glyph List 4 (WGL4) in HTML

Microsoft has defined a Pan-European character set known as Windows Glyph List 4 (WGL4). It contains characters that are required for Western, Central and Eastern European languages, and includes Cyrillic and Greek alphabets and many characters for which Monotype's Symbol font was previously required. The WGL4 standard incorporates codepages 1250 (Eastern Europe), 1251 (Cyrillic), 1252 (US English = ANSI), 1253 (Greek) and 1254 (Turkish). WGL4 contains 652 characters (compared with 256 in the old codepages), and uses Unicode numbering for the characters.

The new characters can easily be used in Web pages, either by adding &# to the front of the decimal number and ; to the end (e.g. ‰ for a per mille sign (‰)), or by using the new HTML 4 character entity references (although not all WGL4 characters have corresponding entities). However, support for the new characters varies between browsers. The tables below use the decimal numeric character references to display the characters in the first column, and can be used to determine which characters are supported by your browser and fonts.

The new characters can be used in Word 97 or Word 2000 by selecting Symbol on the Insert menu and choosing a character from the dialog box.

You can download free WGL4 versions of TrueType fonts for Windows from The fonts available include Arial, Courier New, Times New Roman and Verdana. There are many other Unicode fonts that include the WGL4 characters.

Unicode Ranges

Table shorts legend:

  • Ch - Character
  • Dec - Decimal
  • Hex - Unicode Hex
  • Ent - Character entity
  • Descript. - Description
  • L.c. - Latin capital
  • L.c.l. - Latin capital letter
  • L.s. - Latin small
  • L.s.l. - Latin small letter
  • c.c.l. - Cyrillic capital letter
  • c.s.l. - Cyrillic small letter
  • b. - breve
  • w. - with
  • ap. - apostrophe
  • cd. - cedila
  • cx. - circumflex
  • og. - ogonek
  • pr. - preceded
  • st. - stroke
  • c.l. - capital letter
  • s.l. - small letter
  • d.a. - dot above
  • q.m. - quotation mark
  • m.d. - middle dot
  • w.d. - with double
  • w.m. - with macron
  • l.-p. - left-pointing
  • r.-p. - right-pointing
  • d. a t. - dialytika and tonos
  • B.-U. - Byelorussian-Ukrainian

Basic Latin
Unicode U+0000 - U+007F - (0-127)

Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
32 20 - space
Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
! 33 21 - exclamation mark
" 34 22 " quotation mark
# 35 23 - number sign
$ 36 24 - dollar sign
% 37 25 - percent sign
& 38 26 & ampersand
' 39 27 - apostrophe
( 40 28 - left parenthesis
) 41 29 - right parenthesis
* 42 2A - asterisk
+ 43 2B - plus sign
, 44 2C - comma
- 45 2D - hyphen-minus
. 46 2E - full stop
/ 47 2F - solidus
0 48 30 - digit zero
1 49 31 - digit one
2 50 32 - digit two
3 51 33 - digit three
4 52 34 - digit four
5 53 35 - digit five
6 54 36 - digit six
7 55 37 - digit seven
8 56 38 - digit eight
9 57 39 - digit nine
: 58 3A - colon
; 59 3B - semicolon
< 60 3C &lt; less-than sign
= 61 3D - equals sign
> 62 3E &gt; greater-than sign
? 63 3F - question mark
@ 64 40 - commercial at
A 65 41 - L.c.l. A
B 66 42 - - " - B
C 67 43 - - " - C
D 68 44 - - " - D
E 69 45 - - " - E
F 70 46 - - " - F
G 71 47 - - " - G
H 72 48 - - " - H
I 73 49 - - " - I
J 74 4A - - " - J
K 75 4B - - " - K
L 76 4C - - " - L
M 77 4D - - " - M
N 78 4E - - " - N
O 79 4F - - " - O
Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
P 80 50 - L.c.l. P
Q 81 51 - - " - Q
R 82 52 - - " - R
S 83 53 - - " - S
T 84 54 - - " - T
U 85 55 - - " - U
V 86 56 - - " - V
W 87 57 - - " - W
X 88 58 - - " - X
Y 89 59 - - " - Y
Z 90 5A - - " - Z
[ 91 5B - left square bracket
\ 92 5C - reverse solidus
] 93 5D - right square bracket
^ 94 5E - circumflex accent
_ 95 5F - low line
` 96 60 - grave accent
a 97 61 - L.s.l. a
b 98 62 - - " - b
c 99 63 - - " - c
d 100 64 - - " - d
e 101 65 - - " - e
f 102 66 - - " - f
g 103 67 - - " - g
h 104 68 - - " - h
i 105 69 - - " - i
j 106 6A - - " - j
k 107 6B - - " - k
l 108 6C - - " - l
m 109 6D - - " - m
n 110 6E - - " - n
o 111 6F - - " - o
p 112 70 - - " - p
q 113 71 - - " - q
r 114 72 - - " - r
s 115 73 - - " - s
t 116 74 - - " - t
u 117 75 - - " - u
v 118 76 - - " - v
w 119 77 - - " - w
x 120 78 - - " - x
y 121 79 - - " - y
z 122 7A - - " - z
{ 123 7B - left curly bracket
| 124 7C - vertical line
} 125 7D - right curly bracket
~ 126 7E - tilde

Latin-1 Supplement
Unicode U+0080 - U+00FF - (128-255)

Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
160 A0 &nbsp; no-break space
ВЎ 161 A1 &iexcl; inverted exclamation mark
Вў 162 A2 &cent; cent sign
£ 163 A3 &pound; pound sign-[lira is ₤ (&#8356;)]
В¤ 164 A4 &curren; currency sign
ВҐ 165 A5 &yen; yen sign
В¦ 166 A6 &brvbar; broken bar
В§ 167 A7 &sect; section sign
ВЁ 168 A8 &uml; diaeresis
В© 169 A9 &copy; copyright sign
ВЄ 170 AA &ordf; feminine ordinal indicator
В« 171 AB &laquo; l.-p. double angle q.m.
В¬ 172 AC &not; not sign
­ 173 AD &shy; soft hyphen
В® 174 AE &reg; registered sign
ВЇ 175 AF &macr; macron
В° 176 B0 &deg; degree sign
В± 177 B1 &plusmn; plus-minus sign
ВІ 178 B2 &sup2; superscript two
Ві 179 B3 &sup3; superscript three
Вґ 180 B4 &acute; acute accent
Вµ 181 B5 &micro; micro sign
В¶ 182 B6 &para; pilcrow sign
В· 183 B7 &middot; middle dot
Вё 184 B8 &cedil; cedilla
В№ 185 B9 &sup1; superscript one
Вє 186 BA &ordm; masculine ordinal indicator
В» 187 BB &raquo; r.-p. double angle q.m.
Вј 188 BC &frac14; vulgar fraction one quarter
ВЅ 189 BD &frac12; vulgar fraction one half
Вѕ 190 BE &frac34; vulgar fraction three quarters
Вї 191 BF &iquest; inverted question mark
ГЂ 192 C0 &Agrave; L.c.l. A w. grave
ГЃ 193 C1 &Aacute; L.c.l. A w. acute
Г‚ 194 C2 &Acirc; L.c.l. A w. cx.
Гѓ 195 C3 &Atilde; L.c.l. A w. tilde
Г„ 196 C4 &Auml; L.c.l. A w. diaeresis
Г… 197 C5 &Aring; L.c.l. A w. ring above
Г† 198 C6 &AElig; L.c.l. AE
Г‡ 199 C7 &Ccedil; L.c.l. C w. cd.
Г€ 200 C8 &Egrave; L.c.l. E w. grave
Г‰ 201 C9 &Eacute; L.c.l. E w. acute
ГЉ 202 CA &Ecirc; L.c.l. E w. cx.
Г‹ 203 CB &Euml; L.c.l. E w. diaeresis
ГЊ 204 CC &Igrave; L.c.l. I w. grave
ГЌ 205 CD &Iacute; L.c.l. I w. acute
ГЋ 206 CE &Icirc; L.c.l. I w. cx.
ГЏ 207 CF &Iuml; L.c.l. I w. diaeresis
Гђ 208 D0 &ETH; L.c.l. Eth
Г' 209 D1 &Ntilde; L.c.l. N w. tilde
Г' 210 D2 &Ograve; L.c.l. O w. grave
Г" 211 D3 &Oacute; L.c.l. O w. acute
Г" 212 D4 &Ocirc; L.c.l. O w. cx.
Г• 213 D5 &Otilde; L.c.l. O w. tilde
Г– 214 D6 &Ouml; L.c.l. O w. diaeresis
Г— 215 D7 &times; multiplication sign
Ø 216 D8 &Oslash; L.c.l. O w. oblique st.
Г™ 217 D9 &Ugrave; L.c.l. U w. grave
Гљ 218 DA &Uacute; L.c.l. U w. acute
Г› 219 DB &Ucirc; L.c.l. U w. cx.
Гњ 220 DC &Uuml; L.c.l. U w. diaeresis
Гќ 221 DD &Yacute; L.c.l. Y w. acute
Гћ 222 DE &THORN; L.c.l. Thorn
Гџ 223 DF &szlig; L.s.l. sharp s
Г  224 E0 &agrave; L.s.l. a w. grave
ГЎ 225 E1 &aacute; L.s.l. a w. acute
Гў 226 E2 &acirc; L.s.l. a w. cx.
ГЈ 227 E3 &atilde; L.s.l. a w. tilde
Г¤ 228 E4 &auml; L.s.l. a w. diaeresis
ГҐ 229 E5 &aring; L.s.l. a w. ring above
Г¦ 230 E6 &aelig; L.s.l. ae
Г§ 231 E7 &ccedil; L.s.l. c w. cd.
ГЁ 232 E8 &egrave; L.s.l. e w. grave
Г© 233 E9 &eacute; L.s.l. e w. acute
ГЄ 234 EA &ecirc; L.s.l. e w. cx.
Г« 235 EB &euml; L.s.l. e w. diaeresis
Г¬ 236 EC &igrave; L.s.l. i w. grave
Г­ 237 ED &iacute; L.s.l. i w. acute
Г® 238 EE &icirc; L.s.l. i w. cx.
ГЇ 239 EF &iuml; L.s.l. i w. diaeresis
Г° 240 F0 &eth; L.s.l. eth
Г± 241 F1 &ntilde; L.s.l. n w. tilde
ГІ 242 F2 &ograve; L.s.l. o w. grave
Гі 243 F3 &oacute; L.s.l. o w. acute
Гґ 244 F4 &ocirc; L.s.l. o w. cx.
Гµ 245 F5 &otilde; L.s.l. o w. tilde
Г¶ 246 F6 &ouml; L.s.l. o w. diaeresis
Г· 247 F7 &divide; division sign
Гё 248 F8 &oslash; L.s.l. o w. st.
Г№ 249 F9 &ugrave; L.s.l. u w. grave
Гє 250 FA &uacute; L.s.l. u w. acute
Г» 251 FB &ucirc; L.s.l. u w. cx.
Гј 252 FC &uuml; L.s.l. u w. diaeresis
ГЅ 253 FD &yacute; L.s.l. y w. acute
Гѕ 254 FE &thorn; L.s.l. thorn
Гї 255 FF &yuml; L.s.l. y w. diaeresis

Latin Extended-A
Unicode U+0100 - U+017F - (256-383)

Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
ДЂ 256 0100 - L.c.l. A w.m.
ДЃ 257 0101 - L.s.l. a w.m.
Д‚ 258 0102 - L.c.l. A w. breve
Дѓ 259 0103 - L.s.l. a w. breve
Д„ 260 0104 - L.c.l. A w. og.
Д… 261 0105 - L.s.l. a w. og.
Д† 262 0106 - L.c.l. C w. acute
Д‡ 263 0107 - L.s.l. c w. acute
Д€ 264 0108 - L.c.l. C w. cx.
Д‰ 265 0109 - L.s.l. c w. cx.
ДЉ 266 010A - L.c.l. C w. d.a.
Д‹ 267 010B - L.s.l. c w. d.a.
ДЊ 268 010C - L.c.l. C w. caron
ДЌ 269 010D - L.s.l. c w. caron
ДЋ 270 010E - L.c.l. D w. caron
ДЏ 271 010F - L.s.l. d w. caron
Дђ 272 0110 - L.c.l. D w. st.
Д' 273 0111 - L.s.l. d w. st.
Д' 274 0112 - L.c.l. E w.m.
Д" 275 0113 - L.s.l. e w.m.
Д" 276 0114 - L.c.l. E w. breve
Д• 277 0115 - L.s.l. e w. breve
Д– 278 0116 - L.c.l. E w. d.a.
Д— 279 0117 - L.s.l. e w. d.a.
Ę 280 0118 - L.c.l. E w. og.
Д™ 281 0119 - L.s.l. e w. og.
Дљ 282 011A - L.c.l. E w. caron
Д› 283 011B - L.s.l. e w. caron
Дњ 284 011C - L.c.l. G w. cx.
Дќ 285 011D - L.s.l. g w. cx.
Дћ 286 011E - L.c.l. G w. breve
Дџ 287 011F - L.s.l. g w. breve
Д  288 0120 - L.c.l. G w. d.a.
ДЎ 289 0121 - L.s.l. g w. d.a.
Дў 290 0122 - L.c.l. G w. cd.
ДЈ 291 0123 - L.s.l. g w. cd.
Д¤ 292 0124 - L.c.l. H w. cx.
ДҐ 293 0125 - L.s.l. h w. cx.
Д¦ 294 0126 - L.c.l. H w. st.
Д§ 295 0127 - L.s.l. h w. st.
ДЁ 296 0128 - L.c.l. I w. tilde
Д© 297 0129 - L.s.l. i w. tilde
ДЄ 298 012A - L.c.l. I w.m.
Д« 299 012B - L.s.l. i w.m.
Д¬ 300 012C - L.c.l. I w. breve
Д­ 301 012D - L.s.l. i w. breve
Д® 302 012E - L.c.l. I w. og.
ДЇ 303 012F - L.s.l. i w. og.
Д° 304 0130 - L.c.l. I w. d.a.
Д± 305 0131 - L.s.l. dotless i
ДІ 306 0132 - L.c. ligature IJ
Ді 307 0133 - L.s. ligature ij
Дґ 308 0134 - L.c.l. J w. cx.
Дµ 309 0135 - L.s.l. j w. cx.
Д¶ 310 0136 - L.c.l. K w. cd.
Д· 311 0137 - L.s.l. k w. cd.
Дё 312 0138 - L.s.l. kra
Д№ 313 0139 - L.c.l. L w. acute
Дє 314 013A - L.s.l. l w. acute
Д» 315 013B - L.c.l. L w. cd.
Дј 316 013C - L.s.l. l w. cd.
ДЅ 317 013D - L.c.l. L w. caron
Дѕ 318 013E - L.s.l. l w. caron
Дї 319 013F - L.c.l. L w. m.d.
Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
ЕЂ 320 0140 - L.s.l. l w. middle dot
ЕЃ 321 0141 - L.c.l. L w. st.
Е‚ 322 0142 - L.s.l. l w. st.
Еѓ 323 0143 - L.c.l. N w. acute
Е„ 324 0144 - L.s.l. n w. acute
Е… 325 0145 - L.c.l. N w. cd.
Е† 326 0146 - L.s.l. n w. cd.
Е‡ 327 0147 - L.c.l. N w. caron
Е€ 328 0148 - L.s.l. n w. caron
Е‰ 329 0149 - L.c.l. n pr. by ap.
ЕЉ 330 014A - L.c.l. Eng
Е‹ 331 014B - L.s.l. eng
ЕЊ 332 014C - L.c.l. O w.m.
ЕЌ 333 014D - L.s.l. o w.m.
ЕЋ 334 014E - L.c.l. O w. breve
ЕЏ 335 014F - L.s.l. o w. breve
Еђ 336 0150 - L.c.l. O w.d. acute
Е' 337 0151 - L.s.l. o w.d. acute
Е' 338 0152 &OElig; L.c. ligature OE
Е" 339 0153 &oelig; L.s. ligature oe
Е" 340 0154 - L.c.l. R w. acute
Е• 341 0155 - L.s.l. r w. acute
Е– 342 0156 - L.c.l. R w. cd.
Е— 343 0157 - L.s.l. r w. cd.
Ř 344 0158 - L.c.l. R w. caron
Е™ 345 0159 - L.s.l. r w. caron
Ељ 346 015A - L.c.l. S w. acute
Е› 347 015B - L.s.l. s w. acute
Ењ 348 015C - L.c.l. S w. cx.
Еќ 349 015D - L.s.l. s w. cx.
Ећ 350 015E - L.c.l. S w. cd.
Еџ 351 015F - L.s.l. s w. cd.
Е  352 0160 &Scaron; L.c.l. S w. caron
ЕЎ 353 0161 &scaron; L.s.l. s w. caron
Еў 354 0162 - L.c.l. T w. cd.
ЕЈ 355 0163 - L.s.l. t w. cd.
Е¤ 356 0164 - L.c.l. T w. caron
ЕҐ 357 0165 - L.s.l. t w. caron
Е¦ 358 0166 - L.c.l. T w. st.
Е§ 359 0167 - L.s.l. t w. st.
ЕЁ 360 0168 - L.c.l. U w. tilde
Е© 361 0169 - L.s.l. u w. tilde
ЕЄ 362 016A - L.c.l. U w.m.
Е« 363 016B - L.s.l. u w.m.
Е¬ 364 016C - L.c.l. U w. breve
Е­ 365 016D - L.s.l. u w. breve
Е® 366 016E - L.c.l. U w. ring above
ЕЇ 367 016F - L.s.l. u w. ring above
Е° 368 0170 - L.c.l. U w.d. acute
Е± 369 0171 - L.s.l. u w.d. acute
ЕІ 370 0172 - L.c.l. U w. og.
Еі 371 0173 - L.s.l. u w. og.
Еґ 372 0174 - L.c.l. W w. cx.
Еµ 373 0175 - L.s.l. w w. cx.
Е¶ 374 0176 - L.c.l. Y w. cx.
Е· 375 0177 - L.s.l. y w. cx.
Её 376 0178 &Yuml; L.c.l. Y w. diaeresis
Е№ 377 0179 - L.c.l. Z w. acute
Еє 378 017A - L.s.l. z w. acute
Е» 379 017B - L.c.l. Z w. d.a.
Еј 380 017C - L.s.l. z w. d.a.
ЕЅ 381 017D - L.c.l. Z w. caron
Еѕ 382 017E - L.s.l. z w. caron
Еї 383 017F - L.c.l. long s

Latin Extended-B
Unicode U+0180 - U+024F - (384-591)

Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
Ж' 402 0192 &fnof; L.s.l. f with hook
Зє 506 01FA - L.c.l. A with ring above and acute
З» 507 01FB - L.s.l. a with ring above and acute
Зј 508 01FC - L.c.l. AE with acute
ЗЅ 509 01FD - L.s.l. ae with acute
Зѕ 510 01FE - L.c.l. O with stroke and acute
Зї 511 01FF - L.s.l. o with stroke and acute

Spacing Modifier Letters
Unicode U+02B0 - U+02FF - (688-767)

Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
Л† 710 02C6 &circ; modifier letter cx. accent
Л‡ 711 02C7 - caron
Л‰ 713 02C9 - modifier letter macron
˘ 728 02D8 - breve
Л™ 729 02D9 - dot above
Лљ 730 02DA - ring above
Л› 731 02DB - ogonek
Лњ 732 02DC &tilde; small tilde
Лќ 733 02DD - double acute accent

Unicode U+0370 - U+03FF - (880-1023)

Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
О„ 900 0384 - Greek tonos
О… 901 0385 - Greek dialytika tonos
О† 902 0386 - Greek c.l. Alpha with tonos
О‡ 903 0387 - Greek ano teleia
О€ 904 0388 - Greek c.l. Epsilon with tonos
О‰ 905 0389 - Greek c.l. Eta with tonos
ОЉ 906 038A - Greek c.l. Iota with tonos
ОЊ 908 038C - Greek c.l. Omicron with tonos
ОЋ 910 038E - Greek c.l. Upsilon with tonos
ОЏ 911 038F - Greek c.l. Omega with tonos
Ођ 912 0390 - Greek s.l. Iota w. d. a t.
О' 913 0391 &Alpha; Greek c.l. Alpha
О' 914 0392 &Beta; Greek c.l. Beta
О" 915 0393 &Gamma; Greek c.l. Gamma
О" 916 0394 &Delta; Greek c.l. Delta
О• 917 0395 &Epsilon; Greek c.l. Epsilon
О– 918 0396 &Zeta; Greek c.l. Zeta
О— 919 0397 &Eta; Greek c.l. Eta
Θ 920 0398 &Theta; Greek c.l. Theta
О™ 921 0399 &Iota; Greek c.l. Iota
Ољ 922 039A &Kappa; Greek c.l. Kappa
О› 923 039B &Lambda; Greek c.l. Lamda
Оњ 924 039C &Mu; Greek c.l. Mu
Оќ 925 039D &Nu; Greek c.l. Nu
Оћ 926 039E &Xi; Greek c.l. Xi
Оџ 927 039F &Omicron; Greek c.l. Omicron
О  928 03A0 &Pi; Greek c.l. Pi
ОЎ 929 03A1 &Rho; Greek c.l. Rho
ОЈ 931 03A3 &Sigma; Greek c.l. Sigma
О¤ 932 03A4 &Tau; Greek c.l. Tau
ОҐ 933 03A5 &Upsilon; Greek c.l. Upsilon
О¦ 934 03A6 &Phi; Greek c.l. Phi
О§ 935 03A7 &Chi; Greek c.l. Chi
ОЁ 936 03A8 &Psi; Greek c.l. Psi
О© 937 03A9 &Omega; Greek c.l. Omega
ОЄ 938 03AA - Greek c.l. Iota with dialytika
О« 939 03AB - Greek c.l. Upsilon with dialytika
О¬ 940 03AC - Greek s.l. alpha with tonos
О­ 941 03AD - Greek s.l. epsilon with tonos
О® 942 03AE - Greek s.l. eta with tonos
ОЇ 943 03AF - Greek s.l. iota with tonos
О° 944 03B0 - Greek s.l. upsilon w. d. a t.
О± 945 03B1 &alpha; Greek s.l. alpha
ОІ 946 03B2 &beta; Greek s.l. beta
Оі 947 03B3 &gamma; Greek s.l. gamma
Оґ 948 03B4 &delta; Greek s.l. delta
Оµ 949 03B5 &epsilon; Greek s.l. epsilon
О¶ 950 03B6 &zeta; Greek s.l. zeta
О· 951 03B7 &eta; Greek s.l. eta
Оё 952 03B8 &theta; Greek s.l. theta
О№ 953 03B9 &iota; Greek s.l. iota
Оє 954 03BA &kappa; Greek s.l. kappa
О» 955 03BB &lambda; Greek s.l. lamda
Ој 956 03BC &mu; Greek s.l. mu
ОЅ 957 03BD &nu; Greek s.l. nu
Оѕ 958 03BE &xi; Greek s.l. xi
Ої 959 03BF &omicron; Greek s.l. omicron
ПЂ 960 03C0 &pi; Greek s.l. pi
ПЃ 961 03C1 &rho; Greek s.l. rho
П‚ 962 03C2 &sigmaf; Greek s.l. final sigma
Пѓ 963 03C3 &sigma; Greek s.l. sigma
П„ 964 03C4 &tau; Greek s.l. tau
П… 965 03C5 &upsilon; Greek s.l. upsilon
П† 966 03C6 &phi; Greek s.l. phi
П‡ 967 03C7 &chi; Greek s.l. chi
П€ 968 03C8 &psi; Greek s.l. psi
П‰ 969 03C9 &omega; Greek s.l. omega
ПЉ 970 03CA - Greek s.l. iota with dialytika
П‹ 971 03CB - Greek s.l. upsilon with dialytika
ПЊ 972 03CC - Greek s.l. omicron with tonos
ПЌ 973 03CD - Greek s.l. upsilon with tonos
ПЋ 974 03CE - Greek s.l. omega with tonos

Unicode U+0400 - U+04FF - (1024-1279)

Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
РЃ 1025 0401 - c.c.l. Io
Р‚ 1026 0402 - - " - Dje
Рѓ 1027 0403 - - " - Gje
Р„ 1028 0404 - - " - Ukrainian Ie
Р… 1029 0405 - - " - Dze
Р† 1030 0406 - - " - B.-U. I
Р‡ 1031 0407 - - " - Yi
Р€ 1032 0408 - - " - Je
Р‰ 1033 0409 - - " - Lje
РЉ 1034 040A - - " - Nje
Р‹ 1035 040B - - " - Tshe
РЊ 1036 040C - - " - Kje
РЋ 1038 040E - - " - short U
РЏ 1039 040F - - " - Dzhe
Рђ 1040 0410 - - " - A
Р' 1041 0411 - - " - Be
Р' 1042 0412 - - " - Ve
Р" 1043 0413 - - " - Ghe
Р" 1044 0414 - - " - De
Р• 1045 0415 - - " - Ie
Р– 1046 0416 - - " - Zhe
Р— 1047 0417 - - " - Ze
И 1048 0418 - - " - I
Р™ 1049 0419 - - " - short I
Рљ 1050 041A - - " - Ka
Р› 1051 041B - - " - El
Рњ 1052 041C - - " - Em
Рќ 1053 041D - - " - En
Рћ 1054 041E - - " - O
Рџ 1055 041F - - " - Pe
Р  1056 0420 - - " - Er
РЎ 1057 0421 - - " - Es
Рў 1058 0422 - - " - Te
РЈ 1059 0423 - - " - U
Р¤ 1060 0424 - - " - Ef
РҐ 1061 0425 - - " - Ha
Р¦ 1062 0426 - - " - Tse
Р§ 1063 0427 - - " - Che
РЁ 1064 0428 - - " - Sha
Р© 1065 0429 - - " - Shcha
РЄ 1066 042A - - " - hard sign
Р« 1067 042B - - " - Yeru
Р¬ 1068 042C - - " - soft sign
Р­ 1069 042D - - " - E
Р® 1070 042E - - " - Yu
РЇ 1071 042F - - " - Ya
Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
Р° 1072 0430 - c.s.l. a
Р± 1073 0431 - - " - be
РІ 1074 0432 - - " - ve
Рі 1075 0433 - - " - ghe
Рґ 1076 0434 - - " - de
Рµ 1077 0435 - - " - ie
Р¶ 1078 0436 - - " - zhe
Р· 1079 0437 - - " - ze
Рё 1080 0438 - - " - i
Р№ 1081 0439 - - " - short i
Рє 1082 043A - - " - ka
Р» 1083 043B - - " - el
Рј 1084 043C - - " - em
РЅ 1085 043D - - " - en
Рѕ 1086 043E - - " - o
Рї 1087 043F - - " - pe
СЂ 1088 0440 - - " - er
СЃ 1089 0441 - - " - es
С‚ 1090 0442 - - " - te
Сѓ 1091 0443 - - " - u
С„ 1092 0444 - - " - ef
С… 1093 0445 - - " - ha
С† 1094 0446 - - " - tse
С‡ 1095 0447 - - " - che
С€ 1096 0448 - - " - sha
С‰ 1097 0449 - - " - shcha
СЉ 1098 044A - - " - hard sign
С‹ 1099 044B - - " - yeru
СЊ 1100 044C - - " - soft sign
СЌ 1101 044D - - " - e
СЋ 1102 044E - - " - yu
СЏ 1103 044F - - " - ya
С' 1105 0451 - - " - io
С' 1106 0452 - - " - dje
С" 1107 0453 - - " - gje
С" 1108 0454 - - " - Ukrainian ie
С• 1109 0455 - - " - dze
С– 1110 0456 - - " - B.-U. i
С— 1111 0457 - - " - yi
ј 1112 0458 - - " - je
С™ 1113 0459 - - " - lje
Сљ 1114 045A - - " - nje
С› 1115 045B - - " - tshe
Сњ 1116 045C - - " - kje
Сћ 1118 045E - - " - short u
Сџ 1119 045F - - " - dzhe
Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
Тђ 1168 0490 - c.c.l. Ghe with upturn
Т' 1169 0491 - c.s.l. ghe with upturn

Latin Extended Additional
Unicode U+1E00 - U+1EFF - (7680-7935)

Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
бєЂ 7808 1E80 - l.c.l. W with grave
бєЃ 7809 1E81 - l.s.l. w with grave
бє‚ 7810 1E82 - l.c.l. W with acute
бєѓ 7811 1E83 - l.s.l. w with acute
бє„ 7812 1E84 - l.c.l. W with diaeresis
бє… 7813 1E85 - l.s.l. w with diaeresis
б»І 7922 1EF2 - l.c.l. Y with grave
б»і 7923 1EF3 - l.s.l. y with grave

General Punctuation
Unicode U+2000 - U+206F - (8192-8303)

Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
вЂ" 8211 2013 &ndash; en dash
вЂ" 8212 2014 &mdash; em dash
― 8213 2015 - horizontal bar
‗ 8215 2017 - double low line
‘ 8216 2018 &lsquo; left single q.m.
’ 8217 2019 &rsquo; right single q.m.
‚ 8218 201A &sbquo; single low-9 q.m.
‛ 8219 201B - single high-reversed-9 q.m.
“ 8220 201C &ldquo; left double q.m.
” 8221 201D &rdquo; right double q.m.
„ 8222 201E &bdquo; double low-9 q.m.
† 8224 2020 &dagger; dagger
‡ 8225 2021 &Dagger; double dagger
• 8226 2022 &bull; bullet
… 8230 2026 &hellip; horizontal ellipsis
‰ 8240 2030 &permil; per mille sign
′ 8242 2032 &prime; prime
″ 8243 2033 &Prime; double prime
‹ 8249 2039 &lsaquo; single l.-p. angle q.m.
› 8250 203A &rsaquo; single r.-p. angle q.m.
‼ 8252 203C - double exclamation mark
‾ 8254 203E - overline
вЃ„ 8260 2044 &frasl; fraction slash

Superscripts and Subscripts
Unicode U+2070 - U+209F - (8304-8351)

Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
вЃї 8319 207F - superscript Latin small letter n

Currency Symbols
Unicode U+20A0 - U+20CF - (8352-8399)

Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
в‚Ј 8355 20A3 - French franc sign
₤ 8356 20A4 - lira sign-[pound is £ (&pound;)]
₧ 8359 20A7 - peseta sign
€ 8364 20AC &euro; euro sign

Letterlike Symbols
Unicode U+2100 - U+214F - (8448-8527)

Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
в„… 8453 2105 - care of
в„" 8467 2113 - script small l
в„– 8470 2116 - numero sign
в„ў 8482 2122 &trade; trademark sign
Ω 8486 2126 - ohm sign
в„® 8494 212E - estimated symbol

Number Forms
Unicode U+2150 - U+218F - (8528-8591)

Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
в…› 8539 215B - vulgar fraction one eighth
в…њ 8540 215C - vulgar fraction three eighths
в…ќ 8541 215D - vulgar fraction five eighths
в…ћ 8542 215E - vulgar fraction seven eighths

Unicode U+2190 - U+21FF - (8592-8703)

Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
в†ђ 8592 2190 &larr; leftwards arrow
в†' 8593 2191 &uarr; upwards arrow
в†' 8594 2192 &rarr; rightwards arrow
в†" 8595 2193 &darr; downwards arrow
в†" 8596 2194 &harr; left right arrow
↕ 8597 2195 - up down arrow
в†Ё 8616 21A8 - up down arrow with base

Mathematical Operators
Unicode U+2200 - U+22FF - (8704-8959)

Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
∂ 8706 2202 &part; partial differential
∆ 8710 2206 - increment
в€Џ 8719 220F &prod; n-ary product
в€' 8721 2211 &sum; n-ary summation
в€' 8722 2212 &minus; minus sign
∕ 8725 2215 - division slash
в€™ 8729 2219 - bullet operator
в€љ 8730 221A &radic; square root
в€ћ 8734 221E &infin; infinity
в€џ 8735 221F - right angle
∩ 8745 2229 &cap; intersection
∫ 8747 222B &int; integral
≈ 8776 2248 &asymp; almost equal to
в‰  8800 2260 &ne; not equal to
в‰Ў 8801 2261 &equiv; identical to
≤ 8804 2264 &le; less-than or equal to
≥ 8805 2265 &ge; greater-than or equal to

Miscellaneous Technical
Unicode U+2300 - U+23FF - (8960-9215)

Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
вЊ‚ 8962 2302 - house
вЊђ 8976 2310 - reversed not sign
вЊ  8992 2320 - top half integral
вЊЎ 8993 2321 - bottom half integral

Box Drawing
Unicode U+2500 - U+257F - (9472-9599)

Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
в"Ђ 9472 2500 - box drawings light horizontal
в"‚ 9474 2502 - box drawings light vertical
в"Њ 9484 250C - box drawings light down and right
в"ђ 9488 2510 - box drawings light down and left
в"" 9492 2514 - box drawings light up and right
в"˜ 9496 2518 - box drawings light up and left
в"њ 9500 251C - box drawings light vertical and right
в"¤ 9508 2524 - box drawings light vertical and left
в"¬ 9516 252C - box drawings light down and horizontal
в"ґ 9524 2534 - box drawings light up and horizontal
в"ј 9532 253C - box drawings light vertical and horizontal
в•ђ 9552 2550 - box drawings double horizontal
в•' 9553 2551 - box drawings double vertical
в•' 9554 2552 - box drawings down single and right double
в•" 9555 2553 - box drawings down double and right single
в•" 9556 2554 - box drawings double down and right
в•• 9557 2555 - box drawings down single and left double
в•– 9558 2556 - box drawings down double and left single
в•— 9559 2557 - box drawings double down and left
╘ 9560 2558 - box drawings up single and right double
в•™ 9561 2559 - box drawings up double and right single
в•љ 9562 255A - box drawings double up and right
в•› 9563 255B - box drawings up single and left double
в•њ 9564 255C - box drawings up double and left single
в•ќ 9565 255D - box drawings double up and left
в•ћ 9566 255E - box drawings vertical single and right double
в•џ 9567 255F - box drawings vertical double and right single
в•  9568 2560 - box drawings double vertical and right
в•Ў 9569 2561 - box drawings vertical single and left double
в•ў 9570 2562 - box drawings vertical double and left single
в•Ј 9571 2563 - box drawings double vertical and left
╤ 9572 2564 - box drawings down single and horizontal double
в•Ґ 9573 2565 - box drawings down double and horizontal single
╦ 9574 2566 - box drawings double down and horizontal
╧ 9575 2567 - box drawings up single and horizontal double
в•Ё 9576 2568 - box drawings up double and horizontal single
в•© 9577 2569 - box drawings double up and horizontal
в•Є 9578 256A - box drawings vertical single and horizontal double
в•« 9579 256B - box drawings vertical double and horizontal single
╬ 9580 256C - box drawings double vertical and horizontal

Block Elements
Unicode U+2580 - U+259F - (9600-9631)

Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
в–Ђ 9600 2580 - upper half block
в–„ 9604 2584 - lower half block
в–€ 9608 2588 - full block
в–Њ 9612 258C - left half block
в–ђ 9616 2590 - right half block
в–' 9617 2591 - light shade
в–' 9618 2592 - medium shade
в–" 9619 2593 - dark shade

Geometric Shapes
Unicode U+25A0 - U+25FF - (9632-9727)

Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
в–  9632 25A0 - black square
в–Ў 9633 25A1 - white square
в–Є 9642 25AA - black small square
в–« 9643 25AB - white small square
в–¬ 9644 25AC - black rectangle
в–І 9650 25B2 - black up-pointing triangle
в–є 9658 25BA - black right-pointing pointer
в–ј 9660 25BC - black down-pointing triangle
в—„ 9668 25C4 - black left-pointing pointer
в—Љ 9674 25CA &loz; lozenge
в—‹ 9675 25CB - white circle
в—Џ 9679 25CF - black circle
◘ 9688 25D8 - inverse bullet
в—™ 9689 25D9 - inverse white circle
в—¦ 9702 25E6 - white bullet

Miscellaneous Symbols
Unicode U+2600 - U+26FF - (9728-9983)

Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
☺ 9786 263A - white smiling face
☻ 9787 263B - black smiling face
☼ 9788 263C - white sun with rays
в™Ђ 9792 2640 - female sign
в™‚ 9794 2642 - male sign
в™  9824 2660 &spades; black spade suit
в™Ј 9827 2663 &clubs; black club suit
♥ 9829 2665 &hearts; black heart suit
♦ 9830 2666 &diams; black diamond suit
в™Є 9834 266A - eighth note
в™« 9835 266B - beamed eighth notes

Private Use Area
Unicode U+E000 - U+F8FF - (57344-63743)

Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
пЂЃ 61441 F001 - Latin small ligature fi
пЂ‚ 61442 F002 - Latin small ligature fl

Alphabetic Presentation Forms
Unicode U+FB00 - U+FB4F - (64256-64335)

Ch Dec Hex Ent Descript.
п¬Ѓ 64257 FB01 - Latin small ligature fi
fl 64258 FB02 - Latin small ligature fl

Copyright © 1997 - 2001 Alan Wood
E-mail: [email protected]