George Orwell
Selected Essays

'Critical Essays' (front cover)

Penguin Books with Secker and Warburg, 1960
First published in 1957


  1. Inside the Whale, 1940
  2. Down the Mine, 1937
  3. England Your England, 1941
  4. Shooting an Elephant, 1936
  5. Lear, Tolstoy and the Fool, 1947
  6. Politics vs. Literature: An Examination of Gulliver's Travels, 1946
  7. Politics and the English Language, 1946
  8. The Prevention of Literature, 1946
  9. Boys' Weeklies, 1940

Penguin Books in association with Secker and Warburg
A book 1185 - 'Selected Essays'
This selection first published in Penguin Books 1957.
Reprinted 1960.
Made and printed in Great Britain by
The Whitefriars Press Ltd.
London and Tonbridge

Orwell's photo by Vernon Richards

The book front cover    The book back page