Cyrillic Character Set
and Equivalent Unicode and HTML Characters

The Cyrillic script is used for the Azerbaijani, Bulgarian, Buryat, Byelorussian, Karakalpak, Kazakh, Khalkha, Kirghiz, Macedonian, Moldavian, Russian, Serbian, Tajik, Turkmen, Ukrainian and Uzbek languages. You can find some real (non-Unicode) Russian Cyrillic text to try at, Ogonyok and Apple Computer, Russia. Here LIB.RU you can check KOI-8 code page (the most popular encoding system in Russia). Also, you can see some Unicode Russian on the What is Unicode? in Russian page and some Unicode Byelorussian on the OHCHR: Belorusian Universal Declaration of Human Rights page.

Characters 1025-1036, 1038-1103, 1105-1116, 1118, 1119, 1168 and 1169 in the Cyrillic range are present in Microsoft's WGL4 character set, and are therefore included in Microsoft's core fonts for Windows (Arial, Courier New and Times New Roman); the fonts are available from Users of Internet Explorer 5 for Windows can choose to install the Pan-European update to enable them to view Cyrillic Web pages. Fingertip Software Inc. produces Character Set Converter, which runs under Windows and can convert Unicode Cyrillic to and from Windows, Macintosh and DOS Cyrillic character sets.

Users of Macintosh computers running Mac OS 9 can install an Apple Language Kit for Cyrillic (Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian).

Cyrillic Web pages are supported by Internet Explorer 4 (or higher) and Netscape Navigator 4 (or higher) under Windows 95 (or higher) and Mac OS 9, and by iCab 2 under Mac OS 9.

The characters that appear in the first column of the following table depend on the browser that you are using, the fonts installed on your computer, and the browser options you have chosen that determine the fonts used to display particular character sets, encodings or languages.

You can find some or all of the characters in this range in the Windows Unicode fonts Andale Mono, Arial, Arial Black, Arial GEO, Arial Narrow, Arial Unicode MS, Ballymun RO, Batang, Bitstream CyberBase, Bitstream CyberBit, Bitstream CyberCJK, Book Antiqua, Bookman Old Style, Caslon, Century Gothic, Century Schoolbook, Code2000, Comic Sans MS, Courier MonoThai, Courier New, Courier New GEO, Franklin Gothic Book, Franklin Gothic Demi, Gulim Che, Franklin Gothic Demi Cond, Franklin Gothic Heavy, Franklin Gothic Medium, Franklin Gothic Medium Cond, Garamond, Georgia, Haettenschweiler, Impact, Lucida Console, Lucida Sans, Lucida Sans Typewriter, Lucida Sans Unicode, Microsoft Sans Serif, Monospace, Monotype Corsiva, MS Mincho, Palatino Linotype, SImPL, Tahoma, Thryomanes, Times New Roman, Times New Roman GEO, TITUS Cyberbit Basic, Trebuchet MS and Verdana; in the Macintosh Unicode fonts Latinskij, PriamojProp and Tahoma; and in the Unix Unicode fonts Caslon and ClearlyU. To see exactly which characters are included in a particular font, you can use a utility such as Bjondi's Character Agent or Apple's TrueEdit.

The Unicode Standard (Version 3.0) described Cyrillic set sections as following: Cyrillic extension: 0400 - 040F; 0450 - 045F; Basic Russian alphabet: 0410 - 044F; Historic letters: 0460 - 0481; Historic miscellaneous: 0482 - 0489; Extended Cyrillic: 048C - 04F9.

If you are not familiar with the characters, you can check the characters displayed here with the graphical display at

Table shorts legend:

  • Ch - Character
  • Dec. - Decimal
  • WGL4 - Presented in WGL4
  • Cyr. - Cyrillic
  • C.c.l. - Cyrillic capital letter
  • C.s.l. - Cyrillic small letter
  • v. - vertical
  • w.- - with
  • Abkh. - Abkhasian
  • B.-U. - Byelorussian-Ukrainian
  • c.c. - combining Cyrillic
  • md. - middle
  • up. - upturn
  • dia. - diaeresis
  • dsc. - descender
  • cap.lig. - Capital ligature
  • sm.lig. - Small ligature
  • w.d.g.a. - with double grave accent

Character set: 1024 - 1055
Unicode U+0400 - U+041F

Cyrillic extensions
Ch Dec. Hex Name
Ѐ 1024 0400 C.c.l. IE w.- grave
Ё 1025 0401 - " - IO (WGL4)
Ђ 1026 0402 - " - DJE (- " -)
Ѓ 1027 0403 - " - GJE (- " -)
Є 1028 0404 - " - Ukrainian IE (- " -)
Ѕ 1029 0405 - " - DZE (- " -)
І 1030 0406 - " - B.-U. I (- " -)
Ї 1031 0407 - " - YI (- " -)
Ј 1032 0408 - " - JE (- " -)
Љ 1033 0409 - " - LJE (- " -)
Њ 1034 040A - " - NJE (- " -)
Ћ 1035 040B - " - TSHE (- " -)
Ќ 1036 040C - " - KJE (- " -)
Ѝ 1037 040D - " - I w.- grave
Ў 1038 040E - " - short U (WGL4)
Џ 1039 040F - " - DZHE (- " -)
Basic Russian alphabet
Ch Dec. Hex Name
А 1040 0410 - " - A (WGL4)
Б 1041 0411 - " - BE (- " -)
В 1042 0412 - " - VE (- " -)
Г 1043 0413 - " - GHE (- " -)
Д 1044 0414 - " - DE (- " -)
Е 1045 0415 - " - IE (- " -)
Ж 1046 0416 - " - ZHE (- " -)
З 1047 0417 - " - ZE (- " -)
И 1048 0418 - " - I (- " -)
Й 1049 0419 - " - short I (- " -)
К 1050 041A - " - KA (- " -)
Л 1051 041B - " - EL (- " -)
М 1052 041C - " - EM (- " -)
Н 1053 041D - " - EN (- " -)
О 1054 041E - " - O (- " -)
П 1055 041F - " - PE (- " -)

Character set: 1056 - 1087
Unicode U+0420 - U+043F

(basic russian alphabet)
Ch Dec. Hex Name
Р 1056 0420 - " - ER (WGL4)
С 1057 0421 - " - ES (- " -)
Т 1058 0422 - " - TE (- " -)
У 1059 0423 - " - U (- " -)
Ф 1060 0424 - " - EF (- " -)
Х 1061 0425 - " - HA (- " -)
Ц 1062 0426 - " - TSE (- " -)
Ч 1063 0427 - " - CHE (- " -)
Ш 1064 0428 - " - SHA (- " -)
Щ 1065 0429 - " - SHCHA (- " -)
Ъ 1066 042A - " - HARD SIGN (- " -)
Ы 1067 042B - " - YERU (- " -)
Ь 1068 042C - " - SOFT SIGN (- " -)
Э 1069 042D - " - E (- " -)
Ю 1070 042E - " - YU (- " -)
Я 1071 042F - " - YA (- " -)
(basic russian alphabet)
Ch Dec. Hex Name
а 1072 0430 C.s.l. A (WGL4)
б 1073 0431 - " - BE (- " -)
в 1074 0432 - " - VE (- " -)
г 1075 0433 - " - GHE (- " -)
д 1076 0434 - " - DE (- " -)
е 1077 0435 - " - IE (- " -)
ж 1078 0436 - " - ZHE (- " -)
з 1079 0437 - " - ZE (- " -)
и 1080 0438 - " - I (- " -)
й 1081 0439 - " - short I (- " -)
к 1082 043A - " - KA (- " -)
л 1083 043B - " - EL (- " -)
м 1084 043C - " - EM (- " -)
н 1085 043D - " - EN (- " -)
о 1086 043E - " - O (- " -)
п 1087 043F - " - PE (- " -)

Character set: 1088 - 1119
Unicode U+0440 - U+045F

(basic russian alphabet)
Ch Dec. Hex Name
р 1088 0440 - " - ER (WGL4)
с 1089 0441 - " - ES (- " -)
т 1090 0442 - " - TE (- " -)
у 1091 0443 - " - U (- " -)
ф 1092 0444 - " - EF (- " -)
х 1093 0445 - " - HA (- " -)
ц 1094 0446 - " - TSE (- " -)
ч 1095 0447 - " - CHE (- " -)
ш 1096 0448 - " - SHA (- " -)
щ 1097 0449 - " - SHCHA (- " -)
ъ 1098 044A - " - HARD SIGN (- " -)
ы 1099 044B - " - YERU (- " -)
ь 1100 044C - " - SOFT SIGN (- " -)
э 1101 044D - " - E (- " -)
ю 1102 044E - " - YU (- " -)
я 1103 044F - " - YA (- " -)
Cyrillic extensions
Ch Dec. Hex Name
ѐ 1104 0450 - " - IE w.- grave
ё 1105 0451 - " - IO (WGL4)
ђ 1106 0452 - " - DJE (- " -)
ѓ 1107 0453 - " - GJE (- " -)
є 1108 0454 - " - Ukrainian IE (- " -)
ѕ 1109 0455 - " - DZE (- " -)
і 1110 0456 - " - B.-U. I (- " -)
ї 1111 0457 - " - YI (- " -)
ј 1112 0458 - " - JE (- " -)
љ 1113 0459 - " - LJE (- " -)
њ 1114 045A - " - NJE (- " -)
ћ 1115 045B - " - TSHE (- " -)
ќ 1116 045C - " - KJE (- " -)
ѝ 1117 045D - " - I w.- grave
ў 1118 045E - " - short U (WGL4)
џ 1119 045F - " - DZHE (- " -)

Character set: 1120 - 1273
Unicode U+0460 - U+04F9

Ch Dec. Hex Name
Ѡ 1120 0460 C.c.l. OMEGA
ѡ 1121 0461 C.s.l. OMEGA
Ѣ 1122 0462 C.c.l. YAT
ѣ 1123 0463 C.s.l. YAT
Ѥ 1124 0464 C.c.l. iotified E
ѥ 1125 0465 C.s.l. iotified E
Ѧ 1126 0466 C.c.l. little YUS
ѧ 1127 0467 C.s.l. little YUS
Ѩ 1128 0468 C.c.l. iotified little YUS
ѩ 1129 0469 C.s.l. iotified little YUS
Ѫ 1130 046A C.c.l. big YUS
ѫ 1131 046B C.s.l. big YUS
Ѭ 1132 046C C.c.l. iotified big YUS
ѭ 1133 046D C.s.l. iotified big YUS
Ѯ 1134 046E C.c.l. KSI
ѯ 1135 046F C.s.l. KSI
Ѱ 1136 0470 C.c.l. PSI
ѱ 1137 0471 C.s.l. PSI
Ѳ 1138 0472 C.c.l. FITA
ѳ 1139 0473 C.s.l. FITA
Ѵ 1140 0474 C.c.l. IZHITSA
ѵ 1141 0475 C.s.l. IZHITSA
Ѷ 1142 0476 C.c.l. IZHITSA w.d.g.a.
ѷ 1143 0477 C.s.l. IZHITSA w.d.g.a.
Ѹ 1144 0478 C.c.l. UK
ѹ 1145 0479 C.s.l. UK
Ѻ 1146 047A C.c.l. round OMEGA
ѻ 1147 047B C.s.l. round OMEGA
Ѽ 1148 047C C.c.l. OMEGA w.- titlo
ѽ 1149 047D C.s.l. OMEGA w.- titlo
Ѿ 1150 047E C.c.l. OT
ѿ 1151 047F C.s.l. OT
Ҁ 1152 0480 C.c.l. KOPPA
ҁ 1153 0481 C.s.l. KOPPA
o҂ 1154 0482 Cyr. THOUSANDS sign
o҃ 1155 0483 c.c. titlo
o҄ 1156 0484 c.c. PALATALIZATION
o҅ 1157 0485 c.c. DASIA pneumata
o҆ 1158 0486 c.c. PSILI pneumata
o҈ 1160 0488 c.c. 100 THOUSANDS sign
o҉ 1161 0489 c.c. MILLIONS sign
Ҍ 1164 048C C.c.l. semisoft sign
ҍ 1165 048D C.s.l. semisoft sign
Ҏ 1166 048E C.c.l. ER w.- tick
ҏ 1167 048F C.s.l. ER w.- tick
Ґ 1168 0490 C.c.l. GHE w.- up. (WGL4)
ґ 1169 0491 C.s.l. GHE w.- up. (- " -)
Ғ 1170 0492 C.c.l. GHE w.- stroke
ғ 1171 0493 C.s.l. GHE w.- stroke
Ҕ 1172 0494 C.c.l. GHE w.- md. hook
ҕ 1173 0495 C.s.l. GHE w.- md. hook
Җ 1174 0496 C.c.l. ZHE w.- ds.
җ 1175 0497 C.s.l. ZHE w.- ds.
Ҙ 1176 0498 C.c.l. ZE w.- ds.
ҙ 1177 0499 C.s.l. ZE w.- ds.
Қ 1178 049A C.c.l. KA w.- ds.
қ 1179 049B C.s.l. KA w.- ds.
Ҝ 1180 049C C.c.l. KA w.- v. stroke
ҝ 1181 049D C.s.l. KA w.- v. stroke
Ҟ 1182 049E C.c.l. KA w.- stroke
ҟ 1183 049F C.s.l. KA w.- stroke
Ҡ 1184 04A0 C.c.l. Bashkir KA
ҡ 1185 04A1 C.s.l. Bashkir KA
Ң 1186 04A2 C.c.l. EN w.- ds.
ң 1187 04A3 C.s.l. EN w.- ds.
Ҥ 1188 04A4 Cyr. cap.lig. EN GHE
ҥ 1189 04A5 Cyr. sm.lig. EN GHE
Ҧ 1190 04A6 C.c.l. PE w.- md. hook
ҧ 1191 04A7 C.s.l. PE w.- md. hook
Ҩ 1192 04A8 C.c.l. Abk. HA
ҩ 1193 04A9 C.s.l. Abk. HA
Ch Dec. Hex Name
Ҫ 1194 04AA C.c.l. ES w.- ds.
ҫ 1195 04AB C.s.l. ES w.- ds.
Ҭ 1196 04AC C.c.l. TE w.- ds.
ҭ 1197 04AD C.s.l. TE w.- ds.
Ү 1198 04AE C.c.l. straight U
ү 1199 04AF C.s.l. straight U
Ұ 1200 04B0 C.c.l. str. U w.- stroke
ұ 1201 04B1 C.s.l. str. U w.- stroke
Ҳ 1202 04B2 C.c.l. HA w.- ds.
ҳ 1203 04B3 C.s.l. HA w.- ds.
Ҵ 1204 04B4 Cyr. cap.lig. TE TSE
ҵ 1205 04B5 Cyr. sm.lig. TE TSE
Ҷ 1206 04B6 C.c.l. CHE w.- ds.
ҷ 1207 04B7 C.s.l. CHE w.- ds.
Ҹ 1208 04B8 C.c.l. CHE w.- v. stroke
ҹ 1209 04B9 C.s.l. CHE w.- v. stroke
Һ 1210 04BA C.c.l. SHHA
һ 1211 04BB C.s.l. SHHA
Ҽ 1212 04BC C.c.l. Abk. CHE
ҽ 1213 04BD C.s.l. Abk. CHE
Ҿ 1214 04BE C.c.l. Abk. CHE w.- ds.
ҿ 1215 04BF C.s.l. Abk. CHE w.- ds.
Ӏ 1216 04C0 Cyr. letter PALOCHKA
Ӂ 1217 04C1 C.c.l. ZHE w.- breve
ӂ 1218 04C2 C.s.l. ZHE w.- breve
Ӄ 1219 04C3 C.c.l. KA w.- hook
ӄ 1220 04C4 C.s.l. KA w.- hook
Ӈ 1223 04C7 C.c.l. EN w.- hook
ӈ 1224 04C8 C.s.l. EN w.- hook
Ӌ 1227 04CB C.c.l. Khakassian CHE
ӌ 1228 04CC C.s.l. Khakassian CHE
Ӑ 1232 04D0 C.c.l. A w.- breve
ӑ 1233 04D1 C.s.l. A w.- breve
Ӓ 1234 04D2 C.c.l. A w.- dia.
ӓ 1235 04D3 C.s.l. A w.- dia.
Ӕ 1236 04D4 Cyr. cap.lig. A IE
ӕ 1237 04D5 Cyr. sm.lig. A IE
Ӗ 1238 04D6 C.c.l. IE w.- breve
ӗ 1239 04D7 C.s.l. IE w.- breve
Ә 1240 04D8 C.c.l. SCHWA
ә 1241 04D9 C.s.l. SCHWA
Ӛ 1242 04DA C.c.l. SCHWA w.- dia.
ӛ 1243 04DB C.s.l. SCHWA w.- dia.
Ӝ 1244 04DC C.c.l. ZHE w.- dia.
ӝ 1245 04DD C.s.l. ZHE w.- dia.
Ӟ 1246 04DE C.c.l. ZE w.- dia.
ӟ 1247 04DF C.s.l. ZE w.- dia.
Ӡ 1248 04E0 C.c.l. Abk. DZE
ӡ 1249 04E1 C.s.l. Abk. DZE
Ӣ 1250 04E2 C.c.l. I w.- macron
ӣ 1251 04E3 C.s.l. I w.- macron
Ӥ 1252 04E4 C.c.l. I w.- dia.
ӥ 1253 04E5 C.s.l. I w.- dia.
Ӧ 1254 04E6 C.c.l. O w.- dia.
ӧ 1255 04E7 C.s.l. O w.- dia.
Ө 1256 04E8 C.c.l. barred O
ө 1257 04E9 C.s.l. barred O
Ӫ 1258 04EA C.c.l. barred O w.- dia.
ӫ 1259 04EB C.s.l. barred O w.- dia.
Ӭ 1260 04EC C.c.l. E w.- dia.
ӭ 1261 04ED C.s.l. E w.- dia.
Ӯ 1262 04EE C.c.l. U w.- macron
ӯ 1263 04EF C.s.l. U w.- macron
Ӱ 1264 04F0 C.c.l. U w.- dia.
ӱ 1265 04F1 C.s.l. U w.- dia.
Ӳ 1266 04F2 C.c.l. U w.- double acute
ӳ 1267 04F3 C.s.l. U w.- double acute
Ӵ 1268 04F4 C.c.l. CHE w.- dia.
ӵ 1269 04F5 C.s.l. CHE w.- dia.
Ӹ 1272 04F8 C.c.l. YERU w.- dia.
ӹ 1273 04F9 C.s.l. YERU w.- dia.

Cyrillic characters as GIF images
Unicode 0400 - 04FF (1024-1274)

Set 1
Cyrillic character set No. 1
42 kb
Set 2
Cyrillic character set No. 2
42 kb

Official Unicode page:

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